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Stories & Updates

Episode 20: Desperation and the Kingdom of God with Hendrick Taavet Taimla
Hindrek Taavet Taimla provides an incredible perspective on current events, and how the global church has been the hands and feet of Jesus.
Meeting the needs of Ukrainian refugees
TMS Global cross-cultural workers are helping to provide food, shelter, and more for people affected by the war in Ukraine.
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Ukrainian refugees encourage Estonian Church
A pressed Church helps create unity among Estonian Christians.
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Episode 19: Is Following Jesus Safe?
We discuss some of the real dangers that exist in other parts of the world, but we’ll also talk about what dangers we often ignore back home in the United States.
Life in unexpected places
In the Easter story, life is found in an unexpected place. In this story, one cross-cultural witness shares how God brought life in another unexpected place.
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Easter around the world
Around the world, Easter is celebrated differently than it is in the United States. Our cross-cultural witnesses talk about what Holy Week is like where they live.
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Staying hopeful in a hurting world
Cross-cultural witnesses share how to interact with the world's pain without drowning in it.
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Caring for people on the refugee highway
A network of Christ followers seeks to minister to people who've been forcibly displaced.
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"How do I make your God my own God?"
Textile business in South Asia helps draw people to Christ.
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Valentine's Day around the world
Valentine’s Day, on February 14th each year, is a widely celebrated holiday in the United States. But what about the rest of the world?
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