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The Immerse Project

Congregations for Community Impact

Join us for a Preview Retreat on October 27-29, 2024

The Immerse Project provides pastors and church leaders with tools for understanding and engaging our society. Through in-person and virtual gatherings over 16 months, TMS Global coaches guide participants through our proven curriculum for local church community engagement. As a part of the project, participants are “immersed” in other church settings to learn, evaluate, and explore how they can revitalize their congregations to reach their community.

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More about The Immerse Project

The Immerse Project helps congregations learn to recognize the social changes happening around them, clarify their vision and mission, and engage in their communities. When the church’s vision and passion intersect with the needs of the community, the mission of the church is vital and alive, and draws the congregation into relationship with members of the community in a way that reflects the church’s values. Ultimately, we desire to connect thriving congregations and help them develop a clear strategy for community impact. 

The Immerse Project is a comprehensive program to bring congregations together to identify and develop culturally aware leaders who understand and can carry out the congregation’s vision. Through The Immerse Project, we equip congregations to develop outwardly focused ministries that serve their communities well. In The Immerse Project, congregations are guided through a process that clarifies and defines their mission and values, examines anew the cultural context of the communities in which they serve, and creates a strategic plan for healthy and sustained engagement in their communities.  

The Immerse Project is a 16-month cohort-based learning experience. Its experiential learning model allows congregations to actively change behaviors and adapt to social and cultural shifts. As pastors explore how to better identify and develop culturally aware leaders, these leaders engage in workshops and coaching designed to help each congregation discover its passions. As a congregation’s ministries shift into alignment with their mission and values, the congregation thrives. As a result, the congregation can live out its unique missional calling from God. 

Among the highlights of each The Immerse Project cohort are the in-person meetings, particularly the cultural immersion experience and the Mission Impact Celebration. Cross-cultural experiences are an important tool to move people out of their comfort zones (where they feel they understand context and know answers) into a place where they are less comfortable, do not understand the context around them as well, and realize they may not have all the answers. As they learn together, participants will benefit from congregational cross-pollination and will build collaborative relationships. The Mission Impact Celebration ends the cohort experience and models how to celebrate mission in the local church.