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Saying ‘no’ to death


Sue Kolljeski serves with The Mission Society in Lawra, Ghana. She works with special needs children and pastors a church in the nearby village of Kasalgri.

Here she shares a story of the salvation of a woman on Easter Sunday.

As our church in Kasalgri was celebrating the risen Savior on Easter, we were able to experience the salvation of Kuufati.

The congregation was having testimony time, and people were sharing how God was working in their lives. A woman made her way to the front of the crowd. She had never been to church before.

Kuufati explained that, when she is asleep, she sees all of the people she knows who have died recently. She has been told she is going to die next. Kuufati practices the traditional religion which believes a person can wear a talisman to be protected from evil spirits.

I explained to her that if she wants to turn her back on the spirits and get rid of them, she can. The risen Savior, Jesus Christ, is stronger than all those spirits. She cannot live in both worlds.

Kuufati decided to remove her talisman necklace. She told Satan that he has no power over her, that Jesus is stronger and says, "Come, Lord Jesus." She asked Jesus to live in her heart. After the church service, the necklace she wore to church was burned.

Praise God! Easter Sunday is the day of new life in Him. Christ defeated death more than 2,000 years ago, and He defeated death on this Easter Sunday!