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Providing refuge for orphaned children


Eighteen orphaned children in Ukraine had to be evacuated to a safe place. But they needed $10,000 to make the move. Would the funds come in time? From their home in Spain, Billy and Laurie Drum prayed the money would arrive.

Billy is a cross-cultural witness (CCW) with TMS Global, and Laurie works on staff. When war broke out in Ukraine, Billy helped Rodrigo Assis da Silva, Director of All4Aid, with refugee evacuations. Among other things, Billy helped renovate housing for refugees and brought food and supplies to churches and pastors in Ukraine.

In May, Rodrigo called the Drums and said he needed help. A church had been caring for 18 children who were orphans, but now needed to evacuate them.

Rodrigo's team wanted to get the kids to a safe house in Romania that Billy had helped renovate a couple of years ago. But the team needed $10,000 to prepare beds and other furniture, outfit the kitchen for accommodating a large group, and stock the home with food for the kids.

There was a tight deadline: the kids needed to be moved within the week. If money was not raised quicky enough, the children would have to move into a mass facility which was not outfitted for those who are unaccompanied minors.

The Drums sent out a plea to their donors, explaining the situation.

“If we can get the funds together quickly, this will allow these kids to evacuate to a safe place run by cross-cultural workers who are specially trained for this and will allow the children to stay together,” they wrote.

Billy and Laurie went to bed praying that the funds would come.

God answered those prayers through partners like you.

When they woke up the next morning, the Drums discovered their donors had sent in more than $23,000. Not only was there enough money to move the children, but also to provide ongoing care.

“Our partners are really awesome,” Laurie says. “Over the years, we have never lacked funds for a project or need. God is so good. We feel like we are just the connector piece. We are on the ground, and we share the needs with good people who really want to make a difference. They are so grateful to be a part of something big that is kingdom work. We just give them the opportunity and watch them partner with God… and the blessings just happen!”

The Drums are just one example of many of our CCWs in places around the world who are helping meet the needs of people all around them. Thank you for your prayers today for our worldwide community as they communicate the love and message of Jesus in their locations and beyond.