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Provide a safe place for hurting children


Appletree House is a youth center in Mikaduke, a poor region outside of Karaganda, Kazakhstan. By providing a loving home environment, staffed by national believers, children receive not only food and warm clothing, but activities that promote their spiritual, educational, musical, artistic, and physical development. At Al-A-Teen clubs, they are able to talk about issues from living in families with alcoholic and substance abuse.

Taken from an old Russian folktale; the apple tree offers protection and safety to those who seek shelter under its branches. This Appletree House is a living symbol of the love and protection that God will provide for the lost and hurting of this generation.

Sasha* (pictured above) is one example of a life that has been changed by the ministry of Appletree House. He is eight years old and has never attended school. His family is Tatar (which is a Turkic ethnic group), and his parents are alcoholics. The staff at Appletree has been teaching him shapes, letters, and reading to him to help him be ready for a special boarding school for children. He needs extra lessons to be accepted into a school. The staff was worried about his memory, believing that he was mildly mentally disabled. A Mission Society missionary who works with Appletree encouraged the staff to pray for Sasha. Recently he was able to memorize a line for an Easter program. With love and encouragement, he is flourishing.

One Appletree staff member is a former drug addict and alcoholic from Uzbekistan. He is hoping to share the gospel with Sasha's parents, and tell them how Jesus set him free from his addictions and sins. God is definitely at work in this family, through the Appletree ministry.

The monthly budget for Appletree House is $4,000 to cover the costs for food, staffing, and facilities. As extra money becomes available, clothes, boots, hats, and scarves are purchased and distributed.

To support the ministry of the Appletree House, please make a donation to Project #725.

*Pseudonym used for security purposes.