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News from Cairo


Friends of The Mission Society who reside in Cairo, Egypt recently sent news of the situation there. The excerpt below was written by their 19-year-old daughter. This particular situation was caused by the release of 400 prisoners into the city streets.

“On Saturday afternoon tanks, yes MILITARY TANKS went around to insure protection. Security cars went around saying ‘please remain in your apartments; do not go out tonight.’ We later found out our neighborhood was surrounded by hundreds of thugs.

“Every five seconds our phone rang - relatives and friends calling to say ‘we heard on the news, looters are coming to your city. Please be careful!’ The police were nowhere to be found. Our only source of protection was ourselves and the military (which had just been released to attempt to protect the Egyptians. I’m sure you guys know this, but the military is not trained to protect its citizens but rather to fight wars. So this was something very new to the army soldiers).

“In that moment, what I saw was unbelievable panic, but indescribable courage. Men everywhere picked up whatever object they could find and surrounded the apartments and streets to provide protection for the residents. (In this case, the residents would be their mothers, fathers, sisters, grandmas, friends, etc.) Every young man I saw was holding a stick of some sort, a kitchen knife, or even a water pipe. They were going to take on whoever came to attack. They organized themselves and appointed different people for different areas.

“Suddenly our neighbor shouted, ‘They’re here! They’re here!’ and everyone around me ran into their apartment, turned off the lights, locked their door and sat in silence. It was then that I could sense a peace I had never thought existed inside of me. Jesus spoke, ‘You are not of this world.’ That gave me the most comfort, the fact that heaven is my home, not earth. I found myself, instead of asking, ‘God, please don’t let me die tonight,’ it was more like, ‘God, speak your living peace into every neighbor around me.’

“My parents and I turned off the lights, played some Jesus music and rested in His presence till we each went to bed. The next morning we heard the prisoners/thieves were unable to come in. I’m thankful for: 1.) God, 2.) the men of our neighborhood, 3.) the military. This is why nothing happened and I am safe today and able to share this.”