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La Fonderie: Reaching the heart of the French through art


La Fonderie was founded in Paris to value, encourage, inspire, and embolden Christians working in the arts. The focus of La Fonderie is to build and nurture a community of artists who are uniquely gifted and positioned to impact and lead in the culture and in the Church.

The ministry has three distinct areas. One is artist gatherings, such as targeted discipleship, weekend retreats, personal contacts, coaching, and prayer. Another is, in a sense, hospitality. La Fonderie offers an arts and cultural space that hosts art shows, small concerts and coffee house events, rehearsals, classes, and creative project development. The third is worship. The community gathers to pray, hear the Word of God, and serve the city.

Gustavo and Dalila Faleiro, originally from Brazil, now serve in Paris. The Faleiros collaborate with partners in Paris to coordinate La Fonderie. “It’s all about relationships. So during the events we host, we have a chance to connect and meet different people. Some of them are artists; others are involved with arts in some way, and others are just people who like art,” said Gustavo.

“I met a painter several months ago who invited me to his house for a jam session. I played the piano and he painted and we started to build a friendship. He is involved with drugs and different women. After we had been hanging out for about a month, he found out I was a Christian. He told me, ‘If I had known you were a Christian, I never would have invited you over to my house. I hate Christians. I hate church. I hate those kinds of people.’

“However, because of the friendship we had previously built, we kept spending time together. Now he calls me his pastor and asks me to pray for him about different issues. We have had a lot of discussions about faith and Jesus.

“This is our dream – to have deep friends, who will know us and allows us to talk about Jesus, not because of what we say, but because of who we are.”