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Global Outreach Weekend Coming to Chula Vista, CA


CHULA VISTA, Calif. – The Mission Society, which sends Christian missionaries to ministry assignments worldwide, will present a Global Outreach Weekend Sept. 16-18 at First United Methodist Church in Chula Vista, Calif.

The event will give Christians a deeper understanding of the biblical basis for worldwide missions and challenge them to become more involved in local and international outreach.

"The local church is God's primary instrument in reconciling the world to Himself," said Stan Self, senior director of church ministry at The Mission Society. "Global Outreach Weekends are part of our effort to help local churches see the great task that God is calling them to do."

The weekend at First UMC ( will include a six-hour outreach workshop starting Friday, Sept. 16, from 7-9 p.m. and continuing Saturday, Sept. 17, from 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m., as well as ministry at services on Sunday, Sept. 18.