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Conference trains Ghanaians for outreach


In recent years, the center of global Christianity has shifted away from the West and has moved to the global South and parts of Asia. Consequently, nations that had previously been missionary receivers are now missionary senders. Among the African nations poised to mobilize and deploy its own missionary force is the West African nation of Ghana.

For this reason, an International Missions Conference was held in Kumasi, Ghana April 26-29. During the conference, The Mission Society’s Global Outreach Weekend was taught to dozens of Ghanaian ministers. The Rev. Michael Mozley, The Mission Society’s senior director of international mobilization, and Dr. Darrell Whiteman, vice president for mission personnel and preparation and The Mission Society’s resident missiologist, served as presenters.

Several Ghanaians co-taught the seminar with Mozley and Whiteman, including Dr. John Abedu Quashie, The Rev. Kwaku Kwarteng, The Rev. Lawrence Beka, Evangelist Joseph Kwaku Bassaw, and Mr. Isaac Gyesaw. The attendees represented 15 denominations or para-church organizations. Among the denominations represented were: Baptists, Assemblies of God, Legon Interdenominational Church, World Harvest Church, Victory Temple, and End Time Gospel Ministry.

Reporting on the conference, Mozley remarked, “The testimonies were incredible. Most of the participants responded that Dr. Whiteman’s material challenged them to look differently at their ministry and how they reached out to other cultures and peoples. One person said, ‘I have never been so challenged in my life to apply biblical principles in a culturally relevant way.’

“We left feeling very satisfied that the participants were well trained, relationships were built, and we have begun a new chapter in developing a new generation of missionally-minded Christian leaders. The greater part of this group was 40 years old or younger, and that speaks volumes to me. They are the movers and shakers who are really doing the ministry. We feel confident that between the administrative skills of Isaac Gyesaw and the visionary leadership of John Quashie, this material will continue to be carried on and taught in many venues throughout Ghana and throughout Africa.

“I am looking forward to the future of what God will do in Ghana and beyond.”