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Strategic Opportunities

Teacher Aide - Spain

Use your unique skills to partner with a local school as they passionately serve the community of Madrid through Childhood education. Become a teaching aide for local teachers and students. 

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Teacher – Nicaragua

Serve the remote river communities of Nicaragua by teaching English and leadership skills.

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Tentmaker – Europe

Use your unique design, vocation, and passions to connect with Europeans in community with the vision of living out Christ-like values in a post-Christian society. 

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Vocational Teacher - Thailand

Use your skills in any vocational area to instruct and train young men to prepare them better job opportunities.

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Water Engineer - Thailand

Use your wealth of experience in your vocation to provide access to clean water. Build relationships and open doors to share the gospel. 

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Youth work – Paraguay
Join a couple in community transformation among at-risk youth finding wholeness and healing in Christ from a life of addiction.
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